Zirconia silica beads are an innovative medium density media made by using world-class zircon mineral in a special high temperature sintering process.
Inovatec machinery provides several milling machines that utilize beads for grinding and dispersion processes, including the horizontal mill and stirred mill.
High strength and toughness
Zirconia silica beads feature high strength and toughness, making them suitable for grinding and dispersion purposes. Their lifespan exceeds glass beads or other ceramic materials up to threefold – this makes them popular choices for mass finishing applications including shot peening treatment on metal surfaces, paints & varnishes, inks, food stuffs, cosmetics metallic minerals & pharmaceuticals.
Resin-zirconia systems were made more shear resistant by first sandblasting the zirconia surface with 110-mm alumina particles and then applying an adhesive primer containing 10-methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate (10-MDP). When compared with untreated samples, SBS of treated specimens was greater than untreated control group samples indicating good adhesion between materials. Furthermore, glass infiltration increased fracture toughness; silica nanofibres bridged fractures at crack propagation sites while also protecting ceramic from opening up.
Alumina-toughened zirconia is resistant to corrosion, making it an excellent material for milling and dispersing applications. However, caution must be exercised when using this material due to its fragility; use should occur at slower speeds to avoid cracking the beads which could result from stress exposure. Therefore it’s vital that broken beads are replaced immediately to ensure a smooth grinding process that runs efficiently and effectively.
High wear resistance
Zirconia silicate beads are hard, high-strength grinding media with very low wear rates that make them the ideal solution for milling and dispersing various products, including paints, inks, pigments metallic minerals and pharmaceuticals. Lasting three times longer than standard ceramic beads they also make an excellent choice for high energy or re-circulating milling applications.
Sanxin produces top-grade zirconia silicate beads using premium zirconium through sintering, an intensive multi-step process designed to produce precision spheres with smooth surfaces and precise spherical shapes. Their beads come in various sizes and densities to suit different minerals being ground; we offer both sizes from Sanxin.
Selecting the ideal zirconia bead size and material are crucial for efficient milling. Larger size beads have longer lives than their smaller counterparts. Furthermore, selecting a specific bead material will streamline the process even further – zirconia silicate beads are especially popular as a choice for grinding CaCO3 printing inks, foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and magnetic coatings due to being chemically stable; additionally these zirconia beads can be acid etched or silanized so as to not react with what material being processed – saving both time and money – as well as being environmentally-friendly – zirconia beads don’t produce any harmful by-products during processing – saving both time and money when processing materials being processed – both saving both time and money on processing while being eco-friendly as the zirconia beads produce no waste from processing which save time and money when processing materials without producing toxic waste while simultaneously protecting our planet’s ecosystem!
Low cost
Zirconia silicate beads are an affordable media for grinding and milling applications, lasting longer than other types of media and coming in an assortment of sizes to meet any application. Made by sintering, which gives the beads their dense internal structure with minimal wear-and-tear during grinding; thus lowering operational costs. Plus, their glossy surface resists cracking for increased durability in high-velocity mills.
Sintering process produces this media with exceptional chemical and thermal stability, making it superior to silica or polymeric stationary phases and more accommodating of changing pH conditions as it doesn’t shrink or swell with pH changes allowing you to run multiple chromatographic conditions with one column.
Zirconia silicate beads offer many advantageous properties for milling and dispersing low to medium viscous products, including shot peening metal surfaces or polishing expensive components like contact lenses.
Inovatec provides an assortment of zirconium silicate beads designed for grinding and milling applications, including the highly durable yttria-stabilized zirconia beads containing 95 percent zirconia and the remainder in the form of yttria, making them extremely long-wearing. Alumina toughened silicate beads offer another economical choice; alcohol washed and heat treated are available as economical ways of eliminating contaminants to make these nuclease/protease free media.
High efficiency
Zirconia silicate beads have the power to speed up processing times due to their wear-resistance and versatility in grinding and dispersing processes, having smooth surfaces less likely to crack under stress, being recyclable multiple times and thus helping you save money in the long run.
Zirconium silicate opacifiers are by far the most widely-used choice in glazes. Available from several manufacturers under trade names like Opax, Ultrox and Zircopax, they’re highly effective at blocking light transmission while providing long-term mechanical properties, chemical resistance and thermal stability benefits.
Lifespan of zirconium silicate media balls depends on various factors, including size of beads and stress applied. A higher ratio of beads to material processed will cause them to experience more strain than necessary and shorten its lifespan; using appropriate media size will prevent this from happening and help maximize process output.
Before using zirconia silicate media in any process, it is vitally important that its quality be thoroughly assessed. Any broken or deformed pieces must be eliminated immediately in order to ensure an efficient grinding experience and the best possible outcomes.