0,1 mm Zirkoniumdioxidpärlor

Zirconia beads with diameters between 0.1 mm and 0.125 mm are an extremely flexible milling media used in multiple industries, including DNA extraction, pharmaceuticals and electronics.

Agitator bead mills are ideal for processing hard, pure or temperature-sensitive materials with limited energy inputs and reduced processing times, all while mitigating any contamination risks. They save energy, decrease process times and decrease contamination risk significantly.

1. Versatility

Zirconia beads make an excellent choice for high-energy agitator bead mills due to their hardness and density, providing better wear resistance while simultaneously saving energy. Furthermore, their fracture toughness surpasses that of tungsten carbide beads, meaning less likely cracking or breaking under load; additionally their temperature resistance allows grinding of hard or pure materials while decreasing contamination risks.

Biotechnically speaking, zirconia microsphere beads have become indispensable tools in DNA, RNA, and protein extraction and isolation processes. Their high purity reduces contamination risk significantly while providing accurate results from subsequent analyses such as sequencing or PCR tests.

Zirconia beads have long been utilized as effective additives in coatings and paints, helping to increase durability, hardness, resistance, chemical inertness and fracture resistance of the finished products.

2. Inertness

Zirconia beads are chemically inert, meaning that they do not react with materials being milled during milling, thus eliminating contamination during the grinding process – something especially essential in pharmaceutical manufacturing where purity of products and minimisation of contaminants are key considerations for patient safety.

Zirconia has excellent chemical inertness and wear resistance, which enables it to withstand even high mechanical loads without cracking. As such, zirconia makes an ideal material for agitator bead mills as its hard surface can endure high impacts during processing.

Yttrium stabilized zirconia is an ideal material for dissecting tough biological samples such as intestinal homogenates or skin to extract DNA and proteins, such as intestinal homogenates or skin biopsies, for PCR or DNA sequencing applications. Our 0.1 mm zirconia beads have been alcohol washed and heat treated (to remove contaminants) to make them nuclease and protease-free; making them suitable for use with most bead homogenizers. They come prefiled in 2mL or 7mL screw cap micro vials which fit most bead homogenizers for efficient processing.

3. Chemical inertness

Zirconia beads’ chemically inert nature allows them to effectively reduce contamination during milling processes, making them essential in industries like pharmaceuticals where even trace amounts of contaminants can have disastrous repercussions. Furthermore, zirconia is heat resistant and won’t react with most materials, further decreasing contamination risk.

Ceramic milling media boast a high density that enables efficient grinding with reduced energy use compared to glass beads or tungsten carbide; saving both money and agitator bead mill parts wear-and-tear wear and tear costs.

Sintering ceramic beads ensures dense packing that reduces their susceptibility to cracking, pin holes or being fused together during milling, thus decreasing mill downtime, increasing safety and prolonging machine lifespan.

Zirconia beads are used extensively in the production of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) pigments to produce high-quality displays with improved color stability, resistance to light fading and uniform particle distribution that helps minimize color distortion. They’re also an essential part of laboratory DNA extraction processes since their hard and brittle properties help break down biological samples more thoroughly for extraction purposes, leading to superior DNA, RNA or proteins for later scientific experiments.

4. High-efficiency

Yttrium stabilized zirconia beads have a higher density than glass or alumina milling media, allowing for efficient grinding efficiency that lowers energy consumption, maintenance costs, and shortening grinding times significantly. They also outlive steel or alumina balls and require fewer changes to your grinding container during their lifespan.

Zirconia silicate beads are an ideal solution for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food processing and environmental science applications due to their non-contamination-producing nature. Zirconia beads are particularly helpful when dispersing inks or lighter paint shades without significant loss in quality coatings or color saturation.

Zirconia beads with diameters of 0.1 mm are an excellent solution for chemical mechanical polishing (CMP), an essential process used in semiconductor manufacturing to achieve smooth and defect-free surfaces on wafers. CMP utilizes abrasive particles which work both chemically and physically to refine surfaces; zirconia beads ensure that slurries contain enough particles with sufficient particle sizes and fluidity, eliminating risks such as larger particles scratching delicate wafer surfaces.

5. Customization

Zirconia beads come in various sizes to meet various industrial applications. Their effectiveness depends on the bead size; smaller beads tend to perform better at fine milling and delicate extractions while larger beads offer robust homogenization needs. Furthermore, manufacturers often provide customization services so as to meet specific processing requirements.

Zirconia abrasive media is an excellent choice for use in agitator bead mills as it can withstand high temperatures without risk of contamination during grinding, providing temperature-sensitive materials with safe grinding processes while simultaneously improving energy transfer during grinding.

Zirconia is an exceptionally durable material that can withstand long-term use without showing signs of wear or deterioration, helping reduce maintenance costs and enhance process efficiency. Therefore, zirconia makes an economical option for use as an abrasive media in various industries – choose Sanxin New Materials for prompt shipping and volume discounts to support large scale research or industrial setups.

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