0.1 mm Zirconia Silica Beads

Zirconia silica beads offer the highest density and resistance to fragmentation during beadbeating.

To work with tough or fibrous tissues, select beads with higher density but retain the same size. We advise using three 2.3 mm chrome-steel beads per sample in reinforced polypropylene microvials or stainless steel microvials.


Glass production typically begins with silica sand mixed with soda ash and limestone, then heated in a kiln between 3,090 to 4,100 degrees Fahrenheit in order to melt all of its constituents into liquid glass molten glass, which can then be mixed with materials to impart specific properties or colors such as iron oxide for yellowing purposes or nickel oxide for browning purposes.

Glasses are distinguished from crystals by the presence of Si atoms arranged tetrahedral in their molecular structures. Because they don’t possess long-range order like crystals do, but do feature local ordering of their atoms within their tetrahedral arrangement, glasses fall into the category of amorphous materials rather than crystals.

Glass has many biomedical uses, from creating micron-sized glass-fiber optics for light-guided cancer surgery to radioactive yttrium aluminosilicate glass microspheres used against malignant tumors. University of Delaware materials scientists Juejun Hu and Hongtao Lin are using it to increase photothermal sensitivity by building nanometer-sized cavities into various chalcogenide glasses in order to maximize photothermal sensitivity.


Zirconium silicate powder is an innocuous, non-toxic and odorless compound created from natural high-purity sand concentrate that undergoes superfine grinding, iron removal and titanium processing to produce off-white or cream hued forms.

Ceramic core materials made with SiC are used in solidification processes like directional solidification and single crystal (SX) casting processes to provide good mechanical properties and increase production speed. SiC is also commonly used as an opacifier in glazes – turning transparent ones opaque – depending on their composition; usually up to 10% or so may be needed depending on type.

Zirconia powder is a top choice for refractory products due to its exceptional strength, stability and thermal resistance at high temperatures. Furthermore, it’s chemically inert and wear resistant. Furthermore, zirconia boasts excellent biocompatibility making it popularly used in medical applications like hip joints and femoral ball heads as well as in abrasive applications due to its hardness and abrasion resistance. Furthermore, custom zirconia formulations may include additional elements like yttria or neodymium which may enhance heat tolerance or other properties further.

Silicon Carbide Sharp Particles

Silicon carbide is one of the hardest, strongest synthetic materials with a Mohs hardness rating of 9. It boasts high thermal conductivity and chemical reaction resistance, making it suitable for various applications including grinding.

Coarse-grit silicon carbide is an invaluable asset to those in the restoration or refurbishment business, providing surfaces for new paint applications or coatings and prepping them before welding. Plus, its cleaning action relies on flow rather than impact to protect surfaces without warping their surfaces!

At times, silicon can be utilized for numerous applications, including producing glass and non-ferrous metals, heat treating steel alloys and alloys, producing float glass production lines, ceramic production facilities, electronics components manufacturing facilities and igniters for gas heaters. Furthermore, silicon plays an integral part in high temperature gas cooled reactors’ TRISO-coated fuel particles to provide structural support as well as act as diffusion barriers against fission product releases; moreover it is highly soluble in water or other solvents.


Chrome steel is steel with the addition of chromium for extra rust protection. This metal is often found decorative items like faucets and furniture accents; additionally, its durability ensures its long life even in dry environments with low usage demands.

Chrome-moly steel can also be found in automotive components like crankshafts to improve their resistance to heat and wear, prolonging engine lifespan. Furthermore, this type of chrome-moly steel is often utilized in high-end bicycle frames in order to make them lighter and more flexible compared to standard steel, making them easier to maneuver.

Chrome-steel does not match stainless steel in terms of cost-effectiveness and longevity, with regard to both longevity and cost effectiveness. In comparison, chrome requires expensive and environmentally polluting processes to keep its shiny surface, while stainless steel uses recycled metals such as carbon, chromium, nickel, molybdenum and silicon combined with iron for strength and longevity. Furthermore, stainless steel can also be recycled without losing its strength or durability; plus it contains no cancer-causing hexavalent chromium that would make industrial applications an excellent choice!

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is an increasingly popular metal, providing strength, corrosion resistance and other beneficial properties that make it popular with engineers and other users. Furthermore, its design makes cleaning effortless while its attractive appearance provides a highly cost-effective option.

Metal foam insulation is composed of iron mixed with at least 10.5% chromium. It is formed into blooms, slabs or billets using either an electric arc furnace or basic oxygen furnace and then heated and cooled to alleviate internal stressors and soften it – known as annealing; temperature and cooling rates depend upon grade.

Chromium is the cornerstone of stainless steel’s resistance to rust. It acts like a shield, leaping in front of oxygen molecules when they attack iron, thus producing an invisible coating of chromium oxide that prevents further oxidation and corrosion. Low levels are added to steel in order to make it stainless, while higher amounts produce more durable grades used for construction applications from coal-fired power plant stack liners and aircraft exhaust to automotive fuel tanks.

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